Sunday, 30 September 2012

Notes from a Funeral

People always ask me what religion I practised or they would assume that I am a Christian because I spoke English so well. I used to say I was a Taoist largely out of respect for my parents and grandparents. However, as I get older, My answer is more often than not, I have no religion.

Don't get me wrong. I strongly believe in spirituality. I am sufficiently agnostic that I would not deny the existence of a Higher Being or even a Prime Mover.

And I am convinced that if God exists, religion, any religion, is not necessarily the path to His grace. Embracing a religion does not automatically make you a better person if it makes you arrogant, judgmental, disrespectful and unfilial.

This weekend was very painful for me because I witnessed just how religion could divide a family. I don't judge people for leaving the religion of their parents if they have found peace in another religion. But I cannot understand how they can hold themselves aloof from the rituals that meant so much to their parents and refuse to pay their final respects in the way their mother would have wished.

This weekend, I wept for my aunt. I wept for my cousin who was my aunt's sole mourner as his brothers watched from the sidelines. And I wept for my poor uncle who saw what awaited him at his own funeral.

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  1. JooLee I can picture in detail what would have happened. My paternal grandmother's funeral was like that. Her favourite grandchildren refused to take part in the ceremony. Because it was against their religious beliefs.

  2. If there is one thing people are passionate about, it's religion. For this reason, it's also very depressing to see politicians use it as a tool to divide people.
