Monday 28 November 2011

Changing Places

Last Sunday, my mother fainted. And a week later, she is still in hospital, now under observation after a stint in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. Yesterday, her doctor told us that she has sick sinus syndrome, which he says is caused by her heart's battery weakening. With the right medication, she'll be fine.

Today, I had to tell my mother that the doctor also said that she can no longer drive, that she cannot take care of my father singlehandedly as she had been doing for her entire married life. She wept and called herself useless. My heart broke.

I told her that she had spent her entire life taking care of us. Now it's our turn to take care of her. But she couldn't stop crying.

My mother is old school. When she got married, she gave up her life first to her husband and then her daughters. She never ever had to think twice about putting us first.

It's time we put her first.

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