Thursday 1 September 2011

Malaysia, almost a senior citizen

Today, the day after Merdeka, our country enters its 55th year of independence.

If Malaysia were a citizen, come Merdeka Day 2011, it would have to clear out its desk, bid farewell to staff and colleagues and leave the building forever. Perhaps they'd organize a modest farewell party. If it were a school principal, the students might scare up a nice vintage car to drive it out the school gates in a sentimental send off.

But that's not what's going to happen. There'll be another obscenely extravagant celebration but nothing will have changed. All the hopes and dreams of our founding fathers would be an even more distant and faded memory.

Unless of course, we succeed in voting Barisan Nasional out of power and we can begin the process of reconciliation and repair. What a great 55th year that would be.

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