Sunday 8 March 2009

Has it Been a Whole Year Already?

Today is 8 March 2009. Exactly a year ago today, Malaysians from all walks of life went to the polls to tell the ruling Barisan Nasional exactly what we thought of it. And after 365 days, we know that the UMNO-led coalition couldn't care less about what we think of it - all that matters apparently is holding on to power. And to do so, the BN government has re-written the book of dirty political tricks.

Most significant is its subversion of those institutions that should remain neutral - the judiciary, the police force, the civil service, the anti-corruption agencies, and even in one horrifying instance, the monarchy. The obvious bias displayed by these institutions has had the effect of not just stifling dissent and interfering with the administration of the states governed by the opposing Pakatan Rakyat, it was instrumental in effecting a coup d'etat in Perak.

And let's not talk about the scandals, the "money politics", the political infighting. Malaysians have been treated to front row seats to witness the unravelling of our democracy and our economy. Like a horror movie, we're both fascinated yet repelled, and most of all, we're absolutely terrified.

So it has been a whole year and in that year, I think we've learned a great deal about the characters of those who purport to lead us and guide our nation to future glory. It has been a horrible year but a very instructive one. I believe that when the next general elections roll around, we will be wiser and more fearless – we have nothing left to lose.

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