Tuesday 4 November 2008

Stop this Basket, I Want to Get Off!

Things are going from bad to worse. The world economy is going south and common sense alone tells us that Malaysia is heading, no, barreling out of control, in that direction too.

Is the BN government working to bring the people together so that we can face the coming challenges as a united force?

No. In fact, we're even more divided and distracted than ever.

Is the BN government putting aside racial and religious issues to focus on economic issues?

The only economic issue that interests the ultras dominating the headlines and column inches is who is entitled to a bigger share of the pie.

Has the BN government revised our budget and economic targets knowing that the price of oil is tanking, the price of palm oil dropping and our export volume shrinking?

Not really. Just some expensive pump priming and reducing our EPF cntributions so we can spend more to keep the economy going. The rest of our EPF savings is under threat, as they will be used on bailouts. We almost had to spend billions on fancy attack helicopters.

I could go on but what's the point? We all know the country is going to hell in a hand basket – except the BN government which was originally in denial but seems to have gone into hiatus because of the upcoming UMNO general elections.

All I want to know is where can I get off.

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